New poems published recently and forthcoming:

"Elegy for the Flora and Fauna in Gaza," Collateral, 2024. Nominated for the Pushcart Prize.

"My Garden Teaches Me Paradox," Long Island Quarterly, 2024.

"Deer in the Headlights" and "Tree, Paper, Peace," Anthology To be Completely Honest, 2025.

"Fire," by Sharmila Seyyid, Translated from Tamil, Out of Sri Lanka, 2023.

5 poems by Sharmila Seyyid, Translated from Tamil, Oberon, 2023.

"Exile is Not a Foregin Word," Long Island Quarterly, 2023, rpt. Yearbook of Indian Poetry 2024.

 "Feeding," "Myth of Scarcity," and "Mouthing God," in   Hunger Poems - Poetry X Hunger

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